
Students must bring a note from home to their teacher explaining their absence on the day that they return to school.

Children who arrive late to school will not be permitted to walk into the classroom and disturb the class in session, but must wait outside until he or she is admitted by the teacher.


b. Arrival

Class time is as follows:
Pre-K 8:45am 1:30pm
Kindergarten-Inter 8:15am 2:30pm
Grades 1-5 8:15am 2:30pm
Grade 6 7:45am 2:30pm September to March
Grade 6 8:15am 2:30pm March to end of school year

c. Any student who is late more than 3 times for the month without reasonable excuse will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action.



d. After being absent, a student is required to bring a note of explanation to the class teacher. Failure to do so will result in the student being referred to the principal for disciplinary action.

e. Students are not to be taken out of the classrooms without the parent/guardian first obtaining permission from the principal or senior teacher.



f. All children are to be collected by 4:30pm sharp unless they are involved in extra-curricular activities in which case pick-up time is at 5:00pm.

g. Any child, who is left on the school compound after 5:00pm on six (6) occasions during a school term will result in the parent/guardian being requested to remove that child from the school.

A registrar/record will be kept in the office of all children who remain on the school compound after 5:00pm.

h. Students asking for early dismissal must present a note from home to the principal/senior teacher at the beginning of the school day.

i. Parents/Guardians who wish to have their child(ren) collected by other persons must inform the principal/senior teacher by telephone or in writing.



j. A term’s notice in writing is required when parents wish to terminate their child(ren)’s enrollment.

k. Where a term’s notice in writing is not given a term’s school fee is required to be paid in lieu of notice.

l. Parents who terminate their child(ren)’s enrollment prior to the end of the school term will forfeit any refund of the school fees paid for that term.

m. Failure to comply with the removal policy will result in the retention of the child(ren)’s school records.